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City Says No to US Beef Products

Over 20 restaurant owners and meat vendors attended the press conference following the city administration meeting on October 27, showing their support for the city’s crusade against US beef offal, ground beef, and spinal cords.
Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin declared that the city government is against the sales of the aforementioned products, calling for the implementation of self-management mechanism at local stores and restaurants.
To help consumers identify businesses supporting this policy, the mayor introduced the new “self-management accreditation” label at the press conference. According to the mayor, over 200 businesses and restaurants in Taipei have shown their support for the city’s position within a day of the announcement.
Hau stressed that the objective of the self-management mechanism and accreditation program is to monitor the source and flow of beef products, working under the framework that combines self-management on the part of business owners and active inspection by city health authorities.
He explained that the decision to oppose US beef products is based on his background as an expert in the field of food science and his responsibility as the mayor of Taipei. He believes that the foremost priority is to safeguard the health of residents.
Director Liu Chug-chun of Taipei City Office of Commerce reported that the agency is promoting the policy to the 15,000 restaurants, hotels, department stores, big box retailers, and market vendors in the city.