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Sludge Treatment, Greenifying Go Hand-in-hand at Bali Sewage Treatment Plant

The trees planted at Bali Sewage Treatment PlantWith the temperature gets warmer, the violet flowers along the walls of Bali Sewage Treatment Plants are also entering bloom season. These are the flowers of sandpaper vines, which have been planted along the facility’s parameters in 2022. After one year, these newcomers have adapted to the living environment around the facility and now decorate the landscape around the plant.

Bali Sewage Treatment Plant Director Chen Chang-yu pointed out that the facility is managed by the Sewerage Systems Office (SSO) and handles the processing of roughly 1.2 million tons of wastewater collected from across Greater Taipei. It is also the nation’s largest sewage treatment plant.

In addition to handling the wastewater, the management also puts much effort into greenifying and the creation of green spaces. To achieve this objective, the plant expanded its greening areas starting in February of 2023. It planted over 200 native trees including woodland Elaeocarpus, Chinese elm, Japanese blue oak, soapberries, green maple, and indigenous cinnamon.

The SSO indicated that it has also planted 800 strands of sandpaper vines and 200 trees such as varnish trees, chinaberries, evergreen ash, and Norfolk Island pine across the plant’s parameters in 2022.

The agency pointed out that it also reinforced the areas around the sandpaper vines with stainless steel supports, hoping to provide more room for the vines to creep and climb as they grow. It looks forward to the day when the flower of the vines and the young trees will cover the fields with beautiful flowers and cozy shades.