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1999 Citizen Hotline Available For Free from Oct. 1

Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin announced that calls to 1999 Citizen Hotline will be free starting October 1; callers can enjoy free services regardless of calling from a cell phone or a land line.
Hau pointed out the city government will appropriate a budget of around NT$10 million to the maximum of NT$ 20 million in order to cover the costs charged by the telecom firms.
The Department of Research, Development and Evaluation Commissioner Yang Xiao-dong said the number of calls to 1999 hotline service center has reached 4.6million by the end of this September; the operators have picked up more than 2.1million calls from the residents. This demonstrated the residents recognized the efficiency and professional performance of the staff members.
Hau said the 1999 Citizen Hotline is one of his major polices after assuming the office; this new progress marks another milestone for the city government to provide better services toward its residents.