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Crowd cheered to the final performance by the Taipei Youth Folk Sports Group in Japan

“Good job, Taipei Youth Folk Sports Group!” The final curtain performance by the 2009 Taipei Youth Folk Sports Group was met with ovation at their last stop in Tokyo, Japan. Assistant Commissioner Kang, Tzong-huu led the group to the Meguro Kumin (Citizens) Center Hall for the final curtain performance on August 12th, 2009 at 6:30PM. Despite the space restraints, the performers still put up a jaw-dropping performance and was well-received by the Japanese and overseas Chinese audience in Tokyo.

That morning, the group met with the Director of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Japan Mr. Feng, Chi Tai, 2 Assistant Directors and other officials. Mr. Feng stated: “Our office has in recent years worked closely with the Japanese government in promoting the cultural exchange between the two nations. Many thanks go out to the Taipei Youth Folk Sports Group for their visit and contribution to the diplomatic relations of the two nations!” Mr. Kang, Tzong-huu of Taipei City’s Department of Education expressed his gratitude for the assistance prior to the performance from the TECO Office and gifted the flag of commemoration and T-shirts as souvenirs.

The performance in Tokyo was held at the Meguro Kumin (Citizens) Center Hall. It is a multi-functional facility equipped with a gymnasium, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a library, an arts center, a kid’s center, a social education center, a golf course, a baseball practice field and a learning center for the elderly. The Meguro Kumin(Citizens) Center Hall fully reflects the elements that modern cities should encompass: culture, education, recreation and physical exercise. The Youth Folk Sports Group began their performance on time at 6:30 in the afternoon. The Deputy Directors of Cultural Division, TECO in Japan Mr. Se, Gi-pu and Ruo, Kuo-lon along with other Japanese officials from the Meguro District Government showed up at the Center Hall for the performance. Group leader Kang, Tzong-huu addressed the audience: “ We hope to fortify the ties between Taiwanese and Japanese youngsters through the hosting of the Taipei Youth Folk Sports Group Tours every year.” Mr. Kang also invites the audience to come participate in the 2009 Deaflympic Games in Taipei this September.

After the performance, Tokyo Metropolis Councilman Itō stated “This had been a successful performance. This is my first time seeing it. I think the younger generations of Japan and Taiwan should interact more to strengthen the tie between the two countries.” He also revealed that the Japanese-Taiwanese Councilman Friendship Society will visit Taiwan this December to learn and interact with the people of Taiwan.

The group’s performance was broadcasted on Chinese language TV channel like the Taiwan Macroview Television throughout the day keeping the Taiwanese viewers in Japan abreast with the latest information. Local correspondent Ms. Shieh, Hue-chi came to the Center Hall to interview and was stunned by how outstanding the performance was. After the show, she interviewed performers and their teachers about their takes on this year’s tour event.

This year marks the 21st year of Taipei Youth Folk Sports Group. They have performed in all 5 continents and have over the years cultivated many talents in the field of folk sports (Jianzi, Chinese yoyo, Jump rope). Currently Taipei City is the only Taiwanese city/county government to host and sponsor such event every year. Without a doubt, the Taipei Youth Folk Sports Group will continue to be the vanguard in promoting Taiwan’s folk sports to the rest of the world.