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Mandatory Licensing for Micro Electric Two-Wheel Vehicles Starting November 30, 2024

The Taipei City Government has announced that micro electric two-wheel vehicles must purchase mandatory insurance and pass vehicle inspections to obtain a license plate before November 30, 2024, to be road-legal. As of August 2024, the Taipei Motor Vehicles Office stated that over 5,000 such vehicles in Taipei have completed registration. Vehicle owners who fail to comply will face fines ranging from NT$1,200 to NT$3,600 and prohibited from driving unregistered vehicles.

Registered micro electric two-wheel vehicles may park in roadside motorcycle parking spaces (except time-limited spaces). However, unregistered vehicles are prohibited from using these spaces and will be removed under Taipei’s local traffic regulations.

From January to July 2024, Taipei recorded 990 traffic violations involving micro electric two-wheel vehicles. The top 3 violations were failure to wear a helmet, improper parking, and riding on sidewalks. To ensure pedestrian safety, The Department of Transportation has announced that these vehicles are banned from sidewalks and city bike paths (except riverside bike paths). Additional regulations include: riders must be at least 14 years old; helmets and mandatory insurance are required; passengers are not allowed; passengers, drunk driving, and unauthorized modifications to electronic systems or specifications are prohibited; maximum speed limit is 25 km/h. Starting November 30, 2024, license plates will be mandatory for all micro electric two-wheel vehicles to legally operate on the road.