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City Shares Vision of “Zero Pet Abandonment”

In response to city councilor Huang Shan-shan’s concern regarding a scene portrayed in director Giddens Ko’s upcoming film “Twelve Nights”, which shows stray cats and dogs being euthanized on the twelfth night following their shelter, Taipei City Animal Protection Office (TCAPO) assured the public that such a measure is never adopted in Taipei.
With a combination of diversified adoption policies and all-around care including bathing, walking, and medication, provided by volunteers at TCAPO, the agency has made great efforts to make the mayor’s vision of “zero abandonment” a reality.
For the record, the agency pointed out that sheltered animals stay at its facilities for an average of 97—not 12—days before they are adopted. Euthanization is only an option when these animals’ illnesses are beyond cure; it is a last resort to put an end to their suffering.
TCAPO has found new homes for 1,527 stray dogs and 1,474 cats between 2012 and October 2013. The numbers of dogs and cats rescued during the same period are, respectively, 1,898 and 2,012. Since the establishment of the agency, adoption rate has soared from 20% to the current 62%.
The city government has also set up adoption booths at the following locations: Jianguo Holiday Flower Market, Taipei Pot Plant Auction, and Taipei Expo Yuanshan Venue. Residents can adopt these adorable animals by visiting these booths. In addition, the “Private Sector Long-term Sheltering Project” saw 526 cats and dogs taken care of by the private-owned institutions.