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YouBike Usage in Taipei Increases by 13% with First 30 Minute of Rides Free Policy, Bike Availability Rate Rises to 93%

In response to media reports about continuous bike shortages despite increase of YouBikes, the Transportation Department clarified that since implementing the first 30 minutes of YouBike ride free policy, usage has increased by 13%, and bike availability has risen to 93%.

Since adding 1,500 bikes in mid-December 2022, availability rose from 89% to 91%. Further increases in early 2024 brought the rate to 92% in January/February and 93% by March 16.

Since the policy's implementation, daily rentals have increased 13%, from an average of 127,000 to 144,000. The Transportation Department will continue to monitor rental numbers and bike availability at each station, adjusting bike distributions as needed to enhance user convenience and address specific peak and off-peak demands.