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Taipei City Responded to World Animal Day by Held the “Hey! Let’s Protect Animals Together” Event at the Zoo, Allowed the Public to Experience Animal-Friendly Concepts Through Fun Activities.

Taipei City Animal Protection Office held the highlight event of the 2023 Taipei Animal Protection Education Month, “Hey! Let’s Protect Animals Together”, at the Taipei City Zoo, in responded to World Animal Day on September 24th. In addition to organized family-friendly interactive stage performances, Department of Education of Taipei City Government, Wild Bird Society of Taipei and other animal protection and conservation organizations are also participated promoting various animal-friendly actions at different booths. Furthermore, the Animal Protection Office has created a “Wildlife Survival Challenge” life education board game, allowed the public to experience animal-friendly concepts while having fun.

Chen Chun-an, the Director of Department of Economic Development of Taipei City Government, stated that the city government is focusing on life education as the main theme of the “Animal Protection Education Month” in this year’s municipal white paper. On September 9th, a “Launch and Animal Home Dog and Cat Adoption Event” was organized to allow the public to get to know the dogs and cats at the Taipei Animal Shelter through activities involving young animal caregivers and adoption interactions, in responded to Taiwan Dog Day. On September 16th, a “Furkids Health and Party” was held at Tanmei Dog Park, emphasized both owner-pet interactions and animal disease prevention, in observance of World Rabies Day. On September 24th, the themed event “Hey! Let’s Protect Animals Together” was planned, which aimed to educate the public through information booths, lectures, and animal life education board games, fostered a better understanding of wildlife and their habitats, in responded to World Animal Day. The goal is to encourage people to treat animals kindly, from pets to diverse types of wildlife, and to create a more animal-friendly Taipei, in line with the city’s vision of happiness for all.