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Guide Dogs Aren't Pets: Refusal of Access Penalized

Guide dogs act as the "eyes" of the visually impaired. They are working dogs that allow the visually impaired to move around safely, not ordinary pets. The provisions of Article 60 of the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act state that guide dogs or young guide dogs in training with their users, qualified trainers, or guide dog foster families, able to present relevant certificates for inspection, should enjoy access to public areas. As such, responsible persons, owners, and users of public places, public buildings, business establishments (including restaurants, bakeries, etc.), public transportation, and public facilities must not deny access to guide dogs or young guide dogs in training or impose any additional conditions for access (such as paying a deposit, leaving guide dogs outside the store, etc.). Violations of the above provisions will be investigated and dealt with by the Department of Social Welfare in accordance with the law.