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​Taxi Service Station Installs EV Charging Stands

​Taxi Service Station Installs EV Charging StandsDeputy Mayor Huang Shan-shan made an official visit to the Dazhi Taxi Service Station on November 20. She expressed her gratitude to the cab drivers for playing an important role in providing residents with convenient transportation service. She also took the opportunity to inspect the new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations set up at the taxi service station.
In line with government policy of encouraging the use of environmental-friendly vehicles and offering taxi drivers convenient access to EV charging, the city government leads the nation in the installation of two 25 kw EV charging station at the Dazhi Taxi Service Station. The facility is compatible with a wide range of EVs. 
The Public Transportation Office (PTO) announced that starting November 20, drivers of EV cabs can recharge their vehicle at the station for free while they rest inside the building. After this pilot period, the method and rates of the EV recharging service will be announced based on feedbacks from actual usage.
As a general guideline, each charging device is available for one-hour-long recharging of EV cabs. There is also a designated EV vehicle temporary parking area to accommodate multiple vehicles which are waiting in line. If there are no queues, the cab utilizing the charging station can continue charging after the one-hour limit.
According to PTO, there are roughly 140 registered EV taxis operating in Taipei City. To encourage more drivers to switch to taxi cabs, the agency plans to install charging facilities at 4 additional taxi service stations in 2022. An hour of charging allows the vehicle to cover roughly 150 kilometers.