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With the approach of winter, it is definitely time for some steaming and delicious hot pots! To satisfy hungry gourmets, the latest Taipei Pictorial has a feature article on a selection of restaurants offering tasty hot pots and the healthy ways to enjoy this wonderful delicacy.

The monthly article of the November 2008 issue introduces hot pots which are not greasy and even good for your health, such as hot pot kelp, Japanese style Shabu Shabu and Pickled Cabbage Pork Stew. To satisfy people who prefer strong flavor hot pots, the editors also collected articles spicy hot pot, Korean hot pot, Thai style spicy and sour hot pot. As for those who enjoy embracing novelties, information about ‘irregular’ hot pot ranging from milk, soybean milk to chocolate sauce could also be found in the newest issue.

To enjoy good food while staying fit, doctors of traditional Chinese Medicine and dietitians offer their advice to readers on how to choose the sauce, ingredients and food materials. Other interesting topics in the November issue cover the special exhibition on the Tamsui River at the Discovery Center of Taipei, upcoming street performers and the Taipei Arena.

Scheduled for release on November 10, the latest Taipei Pictorial will be delivered to the households of residents living in Daan and Wenshan districts.

Residents of other districts can obtain free copies at the following locations: first floor information counters at City Hall, Taipei Visitor Information Centers, MRT stations and the office of city-affiliated agencies. Residents can also read the online version at TPEDOIT’s website (http://www.tpedoit.taipei.gov.tw). For more information, please dial 1999, ext. 7564 or 7570.