"Heavy Fine for Exceeding the Speed Limit by 40 Kilometers, License Plate will also be Suspended for Half a Year." Don't be a Fool
The Taipei City Traffic Adjudication Office (hereinafter referred to as the Adjudication Office) reminds the public that starting from June 30th, 2023, when the driving speed exceeds the stipulated speed limit by more than 40 km/h, it will be reported as dangerous driving according to Article 43 of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act. In addition to being fined NT$12,000 to NT$36,000, the license of the car or motorcycle will also be suspended for 6 months. If not submitted on time, the license plate will be revoked. Article 43 of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act was amended on June 30th, 2023, the maximum exceeding driving speed of the stipulated speed limit was reduced from the original 60 km/h to 40 km/h. From July 2023 to October 2023, a total of 2,613 cases of vehicles whose registration jurisdiction of the Adjudication Office is Taipei City were reported having violated Article 43 of being a dangerous driver and requiring license plate suspension. That is a monthly average of 653 cases, which is 4.8 times the monthly average of 135 cases from January 2023 to June 2023 before the amendment of the Act. As of Nov. 29th, 2023, the Adjudication Office has executed 973 license suspension cases. The Adjudication Office asks the public to submit their licenses for suspension according to regulations, and to not believe in the rumors on the internet regarding license suspension exemptions, spending huge amounts of money and end up being a fool and having to bear criminal liability. Lastly, we want to remind road users to drive with caution, obey the speed limit and decelerate, so as to maintain one’s own safety as well as the safety of other road users. We want people to head out and come back home safe and sound.