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2009 Taipei City ROC High School Student Delegation visits Singapore

【Taipei】The 2009 Taipei City ROC High School Student Delegation plans to visit Singapore from July 21st to August 7th. This year, Ms. Weng Yue-zhao, School Inspector from the Department of Education, Taipei City Government will lead the delegation comprised of 88 teachers and students from Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, Taipei First Girls High School, The affiliated High School of National Taiwan Normal University, Yang Ming Senior High School and Ming Lun High School on this visit that will last 18 days.

The Delegation hopes to touch base and conduct exchanges with the Singaporean High school students in the following aspects: language, culture, habits and customs as well friendship-building. To ensure outcomes, the delegation will make stops at Singaporean cultural and educational institutions, ROC offices abroad, meet with Singaporean host families, and attend school sessions, tour Singaporean cultural and economic infrastructures and popular scenic sites.

The proposed plan commences immediately after the arrival of the delegation on July 21, 2009. It is expected that through this cultural/educational exchange between Taiwan and Singapore, mutual friendship and understanding will be achieved. During their visit to Singapore, the ROC High School Student Delegation is expected to play the role of diplomatic pioneer in promulgating the education, cultural and innovative uniqueness of Taiwan to Singaporeans.

The Delegation is scheduled to meet with the Singaporean host families in the welcome ceremony on July 25th, 2009. It is our hope that through school curriculum as well as interactions with host families; our students will better assimilate with the locals and see major improvements in their language abilities. Which, frankly speaking is the very reason for our cultural/education exchanges.