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The Heart of the Metro 2009 Contest Seeking Submissions

To promote the concept of proper manners while taking public transportation to the younger generation, a competition for creative works showing how we could do better to improve our metro has been organized by Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC) in association with Chung Kuo Insurance Company. The "Heart of the Metro 2009" contest is looking forward to your participation.
Last year, the organizer received over 2,000 pieces or works for the contest. TRTC expects to receive even more submissions this year.
For the 2009 competition, TRTC introduced a new slogan: "Show Your Power!" (show出心動力). Through this slogan, we hope to encourage the public to take part in this event and to put their thoughts into action.
Moreover, this year's competition not only has the poster, Yonkoma Manga, and 30-second creative animation categories (entries close Feb. 23, 2010); there is also a brand-new "Saving A-Yuan" category (entries close Jan. 18, 2010). The new category is a digital picture uploading activity using the Internet. We expect people to get to know more about the meaning of signs and have the awareness of safety and proper manners in Metro stations.
To enhance the impact of the Heart of the Metro activity for the public, TRTC has invited well-known singer-songwriter Van Fan to serve as the spokesperson for this year's competition. We hope the talent of this gifted artist will inspire creative people to get involved with this event.
2009 The Heart of the Metro Contest
(1) Poster
(2) Yonkoma Manga
(3) 30-second Creative Animation
(4) 'Saving A-Yuan' Digital Photo Upload
Submission Deadline: Postmarked by February 23, 2010 (*deadline for 'Saving A-Yuan' Digital Photo Upload category is January 18, 2010)
*For submission guidelines, designated themes, and list of prizes, please refer to the TRTC Chinese website (http://www.trtc.com.tw) or call the TRTC Hotline at (02)218-12345.