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City Introduces Day-to-day Living Information Dispatch Service via LINE

Taipei City Government introduced new features for the city government LINE and iTAP, as well as the military conscript GPS on October 18.
During the press conference, Deputy Mayor Chen Chin-jun remarked that by adding the city government’s official LINE account, the public will receive notices ranging from air quality, flood prevention, to updates on the opening and closing of flood gates.
For the iTAP application service, new features integrate city services with useful day-to-day living information for the public. These new features include traffic information, hospital queue updates, information on nearby tourist attractions, and more.
The Department of Information Technology noted that the service available over the city government’s LINE account has allowed channels for city information updates evolve from stationary announcements on its website to proactive update dispatches through the communication software. The public can access the latest updates on typhoon class/work cancellation, flood warnings, and floodgate access. Since the roll-out of the flood warning update, subscribers have exceeded 10,000 within two weeks.
The Department of Compulsory Military Service (DCMS) is the first in the nation to introduce the military conscript GPS service, providing information on the workflow of the conscription process. According to Chen, qualified military conscripts will be able to look up updates on where to conduct physical examinations, when the raffle will take place, and when to enter the military. Parents can also keep track of their children’s conditions in the military from home, offering transparency to the process.
DCMS Commissioner Fu Yung-mao pointed out that the system provides answers to frequently-asked questions on military conscription, from directions to the orientation center to short clips on life as military conscripts. The website of the service: https://draftee.gps.docms.gov.taipei/draftee (Chinese)